The Head of the US military mission in Haiti (Colonel George Hatton Weems, white uniform) and Director of the Haiti’s West Point, 1939–41 …

About «Haiti’s West Point»



Stewart Houston Times, 5 mars 1957

«On October 20 [1881], Henri Piquant being Minister of War [November 3, 1879- December 31, 1881], the law was passed which founded a military school intended to train officers for the army.» Source: The constitutions of Haiti (1801–1885) / by Louis-Joseph Janvier, page 466

The arrival of the French military mission (Le Moniteur of February 3, 1887) led by Commander Léon Durand (September 4, 1846– September 10, 1925). From the Dictionary of Haitian Bibliography by Max Bissainthe, we learn of the existence of the plan for the founding of a Military School in 1881 (page 282, # 3511). Plans for the training of Haitian officers have often followed the rhythm of our revolutionary whims. Let’s not forget the Compagnie d’Instruction created in 1903 by French captain Alphonse Giboz!

Le Nouvelliste of August 26, 1938 tells us on the front page, «Colonel Jules André, head of the Guard, goes to the United States where, in concert with our Minister in Washington, he will have to confer with the American Government on the subject of the Military mission which will soon have to deal with the reorganization of our army. »
This Mission, made up of Colonels Weems, Bessette and Dumont, organized a small West Point, adapted to Haiti (Cahiers d’Haïti, September 1945). General Georges Hatton Weems advised the cadets: «Avoid political cliques.»

Gilbert Mervilus, 9/22/2021

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Written by quaidesorfevres


Writer & translator

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